Commercial Process

Step 1: Get to Know Each Other

Every business is unique, so before I can capture pictures that make you and your company truly stand out, I need to learn all about you!

We’ll talk on the phone about your industry, your goals, and what vibe you want to put out into the world for your customers to see - contemporary or traditional, formal or laid-back. We’ll determine what type of photos you need, based on how you plan to use them. 

This is also where we discuss your photo budget. I am very up-front about my pricing so that we can set realistic expectations for our photo session and be on the same page from the beginning.

Step 2: Brainstorm + Plan

This is where we figure out what, where, and when we’ll shoot! 

The types of photos you plan to take will determine the location. Typically, we shoot at my studio (downtown Cedar Rapids) or on-location wherever you work. 

We’ll work together to create a shot list based on what you want to capture, how much time we have, and how many final photos you want. 

Clients and I will often collaborate on a mood board at this stage (usually on Pinterest), so I can see the types of photos that inspire you!

Then we’ll get into the details - scheduling the shoot, determining what props you’ll need, and finalizing outfits. I can provide outfit recommendations and referrals for hair and makeup artists if you’re interested! 

Step 3: Capture Photos!

I usually organize the shoot day schedule so that I have time to set up my equipment before you arrive. That way, all you need to do is check the mirror one final time and hop in front of the camera!

I know you and your team are busy professionals, and I want to respect your time. I’ll do everything in my power to stick to the schedule we created. 

I always build a little cushion into our schedule, so we can be flexible if new ideas pop up the day of - which almost always happens!

Step 4: I Edit, You Pick Your Favorites

Then it’s time for me to work my magic on my end! I’ll cull the photos and edit them, making minor touch-ups. 

When they’re ready, I post the images to my proofing website and send you a link. Some photographers make you meet in person to review photos, but I’m not one of them! I want you to be able to review in the comfort of your own home or office.

You choose the images you want to keep. I’ll refine, optimize, and size them for web or print - wherever you plan to use them. Then I’ll send you the final files by our mutually agreed-upon deadline. 

And voila - you’ve got some great photos to use for your marketing!

Learn more about Commercial Photography